Hailing from Melbourne, the artists' confections include sterling silver rings, like the one above, with human teeth embedded on the band and necklaces featuring a braid of human hair dangling from a silver pendant.

Now, I must admit, I was quite disgusted at first. And confused. Where did these materials come from? Kind of sketch don't you think?
Well the teeth and hair are either locally donated or sourced from China or India, so really, its not sketch at all.
So I warmed up to the idea of wearing human parts on my body. The pieces are beautiful, in a disturbing kind of way. They're almost like a kind of ode to the beauty of the human being.

For the kid that rocks only the strange, I highly recommend picking one up.
While you're there, I suggest donating a few teeth, so someone else can rock you on their pointer.
The tooth creeps me out - but I sorta like the middle one. but I think I'd like it more if I met the kind person who is now lacking in head hair.