Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009
Showoff Shoulder
RM by Rouland Mouret Spring 2010 RTW
Brandon Flowers' Feathered Jacket
12/16 UPDATE:
Right, so I know what you're thinking, this girl is partly, if not wholly, insane and obsessed. Well, yes, but I'm almost sure I can't be blamed.
Another fab - and significantly cheaper - shoulder model that mimics feather epaulettes are sold by fellow blogger Makemi - A Girl and A Glue Gun. I find them to be more than adequately charming. And for $25 no less. Sometimes a girl just can't be swayed, and for times like that, there's google.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
pick it up it's alive

With A Child-Like Sense of Wonder

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to report that Disney has done it again. In the same fashion as their classics (Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Aladdin, etc.) Disney has recently released The Princess and the Frog to some pretty fantastic reviews.
Yesterday, myself and the lovely Ferdinando, made the decision to chance the freezing cold temperature that has fallen over NYC and go see a movie. Making the decision, the normal debate began over which movie to see. Originally, our choices were all very depressing and morbid, but after watching the trailers, our inner-child spoke to us and basically screamed that we need to go see The Princess and The Frog. Long story short, our inner-child was not disappointed.
Being a New Orleans native, this movie brought me right back to my childhood. It is very much a Disney movie, but that's what I loved about it. It was a story about a princess who must overcome an obstacle in order to fulfill her dreams, and along the way ends up falling for a prince. I know, happens everyday. Between the upbeat Jazz-styled music and the 2D animation, this movie was highly enjoyable. Therefore I am passing this along to you, a very strong recommendation to spend the money and go see it. I doubt you'll be disappointed.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Matt Helders sings Last Christmas and Ferdinando Cries about Winter
I took one semester of French and while I adored the language, I came to the very startling conclusion that I am not a linguiphile. I should stick with English, my native tongue, and the little bit of high school Spanish I recall. On second thought, I've always been fine with just English.
It is bloody chilly right now in the N-Y-C and I strongly dislike it. I grew up with warmer winters than this, but it does bring a fantastic feeling of Christmas to the city, doesn't it?
Speaking of Christmas, The Killers have released a new Christmas single, which is always fantastic. It's called ¡Happy Birthday Guadalupe! and clicking on that link gets you to Amazon.com where songs are still $.99 [as opposed to iTunes which has increased their prices]. If you have a -cough cough- significantly cheaper way to get music, I beseech you to hold off on this song because all proceeds from the Killers' Christmas songs are donated to the Global Fund to help fight AIDS in Africa. Just an idea.
Last night, I hit up the Arctic Monkeys [yes again] here in NYC at Terminal 5 and I must say I was doubly impressed by their connection to a NY crowd. If anyone has a chance to check them out in the city, I recommend it over other cities. They seem to have a different feel for the crowd and an old love for playing here. Matt Helders came down from his pedestal on the drums and sang "Last Christmas" for us folk. It was brilliant. Okay, just found it on youtube. Thanks to whoever posted it because my camera died. Brilliant!
Haha this cracks me up. At least I'm not the only one in the Christmas mood. 5th Avenue is decked to the nines and full of tourists and Manhattanites shopping excessively and the streets are rimmed in lights. I loove Christmas, even if winter isn't exactly my cup of tea. Hopefully it's very warm tea to keep you warm at night.
Au Revoir!
Sex and the City 2 Poster

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Who Say's I Can't Get Stoned?
dimelo, dimelo
"...I hardly think I'm Sid Vicious"
"..Oh, so I'm Nancy."
- (500) Days of Summer
You guys have to see this. It's a fantastic portrayal of Sid and Nancy from the stars of (500) Days of Summer, Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It was even directed by the director of (500) Days of Summer, Marc Webb.
This short is part of a series of online shorts from Mean Magazine called CineMash, in which different stars portray their favorite scenes from classic movies.
As stated in (500) Days of Summer - if you saw the movie...which you should...or the trailer - Joseph Gordon-Levitt is Nancy and Zooey Deshanel is Sid. The role reversals are hilarious and I commend JGD for getting me to not only be able to take him seriously but to also sympathize with him as Nancy (say what?!) And does anyone else think ZD looks vaguely like Jared Leto? Something about the eyes..?
Sadly, blogger isn't letting me embed the video, so just click here. Before I go though, I can't tell a lie. I sorta stole this from Hans, but she never posted it, so I am. Too great to pass up. Sorry Hans! But credit is due where credit is due. She's the genius that discovered it.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
High Drama

requires dramatic pieces.