So I'm just going to get straight to the point on this one.
Like so many other girls in the world, me and my fellow compadres, are completely and utterly obsessed with the Twilight series (cue eyeroll). Yes, it is cliche, but in our defense we began reading these books before there was even talk of a movie adaption.
I'm not going to bother summarizing the plot because, I'm sure, you've all read it somewhere else (and I know when I'm reading articles about Twilight, I tend to just skip over that part). As you all know, Twilight has taken the world by storm. The fans of the series are, now, completely obsessed with the films stars, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's, love lives to the point where even I am getting tired of seeing Rob's face on the cover tabloids (and I'm never one to complain about staring at beautiful man). In my opinion, leave them alone. If they are together, then they are together. If not then just let them be. OK. Tabloid rant over.
The reason I am discussing Twilight now is because we are almost a week away from the release of New Moon and I am mad excited for it. Myself and the other two ladies, who so eloquently contribute to this blog, have managed to nab some tickets to an advanced screening of it. Unfortunately, the screening still isn't until next week, but, I'm not gonna complain.
Anyway. To all you anti-Twilight people out there, here's some advice: Give it a chance. No the movie does not count as giving the series a chance, try reading the book. And if you are going to follow my advice (which I doubt because most people that are anti-Twilight are just trying to be "individuals". And in my opinion, deciding to not like something because it's popular does not make you an individual, it makes you appear ignorant, because more than likely you haven't even attempted to like it) give it a couple of chapters. Don't just read the first page and decide "this is stupid," actually give it a chance. Let yourself forget how big it has become and just slip into watching Bella fall in love with Edward.
Until Next Time,
I think Robert and Kristen are rather adorable together. I remember the days BEFORE they became famous. Robert in HP, Kristen in that Catch That Kid (oh my word, that was a long time ago). I'm not exactly a Twilight fan; I've read the first book and thought it was okay...but I guess maybe it's not for me. At least I'm still a HP fan :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you at least tried to read them. If you've given it a chance then I think you can really give an opinion on it. I'm right there with you on HP (my goodness Rob certainly was very sexy then too!)