I've been struggling to finish a screenplay I need to write and fit that in around my busy school schedule. That means later nights, earlier mornings, and the intense drive to eat, sleep, breathe the characters and storyline. It's an interesting predicimate, making it hard to write in a blog when you just spent hours writing in a screenplay.

This week however, was pretty mellow in regards to writing, just because it got to the point that my time was so filled up. I hit Philadelphia with a group of friends to see the Arctic Monkeys at the Electric Ballroom. Crazy night, to say the least. It was one of the wildest shows I've been to, but I've been to quite a few. In fact, about halfway into the set a certain band member's model-host girlfriend, who had been standing behind me, spotted a girl who had collapsed in the crowd. This led to security officials dragging her out while the crowd raged on unnoticing. Also, the former writer band member of Panic At The Disco was there. Apparently he's a fan of the Like, who opened for the Arctic Monkeys.
Afterwards, we all piled into an open late diner and on our way out, for some strange reason, the whole diner joined in a huge discussion of what we should do next in the night. What a strange town Philly is. Much nicer than New Yorkers, who wouldn't have even glanced up when we exited the diner. Very interesting night.
Rapid change of topic:

Lately I've been obsessively listening to the Beatles. My sister gave me her Beatles Anthology CDs which reinvigorated my love for them, but it also got me thinking. I began thinking about the level of fame they achieved at such a young age. By the time they were 20-23 they had literally taken the world. They were so young to be LEGENDS, but that's what they were.
I wonder what effect that really had on them.
The affect fame had on the Beatles is called LSD.