Shockingly, I finally have internet connection again! The reason for my extended absence is due to shitty cable companies, but alas, it is fixed...at least for now.
Judd Apatow's latest cinematic adventure, Funny People, was entertaining enough. It had its funny moments but was nothing particularly memorable. What was memorable (for me at least) was the soundtrack. The music directors were Jason Schwartzman (who also plays one of Seth Rogan's friends, Mark) and Michael Andrews. The soundtrack includes music from Paul McCartney, Coconut Records, James Taylor, Andrew Bird, Adam Sandler (unexpectedly his cover of Real Love was really good) and quite a few others. I highly reccomend checking it out.
In other music news, the Arctic Monkeys are getting ready to release their newest album, Humbug. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but you know, it's a special night. And you are such a great audience! And I really feel like I can talk to you, you know? Because...because I'm gonna tell you the truth! Through some excellent connections of ours, we were lucky enough to get our hands on the album before the release date. And just let me say, it is AWESOME! It holds up amazingly well with their previous albums. I particularly love the track Dangerous Animals. Be excited for it people, its fantastic!
Ten points for the person who Spots and Names the flick on the quote I used!
Chicago. duh.