As Lt. Aldo Raine (played by Brad Pitt) so eloquently puts it "business is a-boomin."
Quentin Tarantino's latest cinematic adventure Inglourious Basterds is said to be his greatest film since 1994's Pulp Fiction, and in my opinion who ever says this, speaks the truth. Basterds is about (I don't know why I'm bothering to describe it, I'm sure everyone has seen the trailer and gets the jist of it, but nonetheless, I'm going to inform you all anyway...) a group of Jewish-American soldiers who are dropped into Nazi occupied France with the simple directions of killing Nazi's and to take no prisoners.
What the trailer fails to delve into, is the film's other plot line. That of the Jewish girl who's family is murdered by the Nazi's and her plan to, also, take down the main contenders of the Nazi party (ie Hitler and his successors).
I have no intention of ruining the movie for all of you, yet I feel I must warn any history buffs out there, Tarantino definitely takes artisitc license with this one. That is all I shall say about the plot.
Basterds is a highly entertaining movie and I recommend it to you now (unless, of course, you cannot stomache the sight of blood. If thats the case, be prepared to feel queasy). Roger Ebert describes the movie as "a big, bold, audacious war movie that will annoy some, startle others and demonstrate once again that he’s the real thing, a director of quixotic delights." I don't think I can say it any better, so I will leave you all here.
OH! And Ferdinando, my dear, was that last post published because someone is feeling a bit guilty about a shopping addiction??