Wednesday, February 17, 2010

personal jesus

I'm not a religious girl. Eleven years of Private Catholic schooling didn't manage to penetrate a deep enough faith in me. I do, however, acknowledge the fact that the simple doctrine of "love thy neighbor" had a large impact on a lot of my beliefs and the way I choose to live my life. And why not? Most religions in the world include the core beliefs of love, equality, empathy, etc. If you should take anything from any denomination, it's just that: be a decent human being.
I believe (to a certain extent) that religion is good for humanity. It offers a sort of discipline and it gives you the ability to believe in something pure when the world around you is crap.
Having said this, and keep in mind I'm a HUGE fashion advocate, I don't agree with current trend that seems to picking up speed in fashion: using Jesus Christ as a statement.
It's a rare thing to see someone take their beliefs and execute them in everyday life the way they were supposed to be carried out, in the simplest and most selfless way. Rare, but it occurs. So when you choose to take an symbol of innate love, as big as Jesus, and turn him into a fashion trend as simple as the latest Alexander Wang bag, to be discarded for a new one next season, it demeans and lessens the power that He has on those few souls that choose to live their lives exactly how He intended. This is not to say this is the first time this has happened, or that I'm really surprised. It probably won't be the last. I'm all for creativity, and pushing the boundaries. Sky's the limit, especially when it comes to fashion. But we need to draw a line here. Some things are sacred. And if we live in a world as messed up as our own, and there are still people who believe we can love one another no matter how shitty we act, who are we to tell them "Your beliefs are crap so I'm going to put it on a magazine cover and make lots of dough."
I don't mean to get on my soapbox, but com'on man, fashion can do better than this. Case and point, Alexander Mcqueen. That son of a bitch made history in fashion, and he never sunk so low as to crush somebody's spirit to make quick buck.


1 comment:

  1. I hear you, Francois. Besides, who would ever compare Lindsay Lohan to a savior anyway?? that girl has a chip on her shoulder. It's laughable. But the need of some people to make religion a fashion statement is just as bad as lowering religious symbols for shock value. Its a cheap trick that does not point to genius.


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